How to renew a domain

To renew a domain name we will click on "Domains - Domains".

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If we have any domain on the renewal period it will appear the option "Renewable" just under "Domains". This option will show you only renewable domains.

Both options will get you to the domains list screen.

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In this screen we have two options to renew our domain:

1- Click on the desired domain, in our case we only have one domain, and we will go to the domain admin page.

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At this point, we need to click on "Renew Domain".

2- Click on "Manage - Renew Domain"

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In both cases, it will be added to the shopping cart. You will be able to see and check it in the right side of your screen.

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The last step would be to accept our terms and conditions by clicking on the "Pay Purchase" button.

Finally, we will click on the desired payment method to finish the renewal.

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Remember that not all domain extenions change their expiration date immediately.

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Our support team will be happy to help you with any questions you may have before you take your first step into the digital world.

Where to start?

The first step for your new project is to search for an available domain.

Search domains